Mexican Pizza


Southern thick pizza dough a righteous
American sausages 6
Yi sausage 30g
Jalapeno 6
25 grams onion
Salsa 1 1/2 tablespoons
The amount of cheese wire


1. The dough into a greased baking dish, shifted in preheated oven 210 ℃, bake for about 7 minutes until golden brown color after removal.
2 would cut wafer American sausage, sausage cut side Ding Yi, go diced onion, jalapeno cut in half and set aside.
3 Brush the pan on a thin oil into practice a crust, and cast salsa.
4 Then sprinkle the cheese evenly practice 3 wire, then covered with a uniform practice of two materials, and finally sprinkle with cheese wire.
5 4 moved to the practice in preheated oven 200 ℃ bake 6 minutes until cheese is golden brown surface after removal can be.

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標籤: cooking  recipes  food  pizza