(激勵影片) 我是位勇士

看著窗外 一切都提不起勁
反觀這些日子 卻只感受到無力
這麼努力生活 到底為了些什麼?

在這支MV裡頭 Ryan Tedder用拍攝紀錄片的手法與現實做連結

每一次跌倒 都只讓你的下巴更強壯

給他們點顏色瞧瞧 讓他們改觀






“This one is a fighter.”

完整 MV

Just waking up in the morning (剛從清晨中醒來)
And to be well, (感覺還不錯)
Quite honest with ya, (老實說)
I ain't really sleep well (我睡得不是很好)
Ya ever feel like your train of thought's been derailed?(你思緒的火車有沒有出軌的經驗?)
That's when you press on - Lee nails (這是當你按下鐵路釘的時候)
Half the population's just waitin to see me fail(全世界一半的人正等著看我失敗)
Yeah right, you're better off trying to freeze hell(沒錯,你不如試著去凍結地獄比較快)
Some of us do it for the females(有些人努力是為了女人)
And others do it for the retail (有些人則是為了金錢)
But I do it for the kids, life threw the towel in on (但我是為了我們的新生代,已經對人生投降的那些人 )
Every time you fall it's only making your chin strong(每一次的跌倒,都只讓你的下巴更強)
And I'll be in your corner like Mick, baby, 'til the end(而我會在你擂台的角落守護你)
Or when you hear a song from that big lady (或當你聽到那位太太的歌)

Until the referee rings the bell(直到裁判鈴響)
Until both your eyes start to swell(直到雙眼腫脹)
Until the crowd goes home(直到人潮散去)
What we gonna do ya'll? (接下來,我們要做什麼呢?)
[Chorus - Ryan Tedder]
Give em hell, turn their heads(給他們點顏色瞧瞧.讓他們改觀)
Gonna live life 'til we're dead.(一定要努力不懈直到生命盡頭)
Give me scars, give me pain(給我考驗,給我磨練)
Then they'll say to me, say to me, say to me(然後他們會對我說,對我說,對我說)
There goes the fighter, there goes the fighter(那個鬥士來了!那個鬥士來了!)
Here comes the fighter(那個無畏的鬥士來了)
That's what they'll say to me, say to me, say to me,(他們這麼說著我,說著我,說著我)
This one's a fighter (這是一位勇士)
[Verse 2]
And if I can last thirty rounds(如果我能持續30回合)
There's no reason you should ever have your head down(沒有任何理由你可以輕言放棄)
Six foot five, two hundred and twenty pounds(六尺五,220磅)
Hailing from rock bottom, loserville, nothing town (來自失敗者村落和廢物城鎮的呼聲喊叫)
Text book version of a kid going nowhere fast(教科書讓下一代變得沒有方向和勇氣)
And now I'm yelling, "Kiss my ass(現在我大喊"去你的!")
It's gonna take a couple right hooks, a few left jabs(一個右鉤拳,一個左鉤拳)
For you to recognize you really ain't got it bad (你會發現你沒那麼糟糕)

Until the referee rings the bell(直到裁判鈴響)
Until both your eyes start to swell(直到雙眼腫脹)
Until the crowd goes home(直到人潮散去)
What we gonna do ya'll? (接下來,我們要做什麼呢?)

[Chorus - Ryan Tedder]
Give em hell, turn their heads(給他們點顏色瞧瞧.讓他們改觀)
Gonna live life 'til we're dead.(一定要努力不懈一直到死亡那天)
Give me scars, give me pain(給我考驗,給我磨練)
Then they'll say to me, say to me, say to me(然後他們會對我說,對我說,對我說)
There goes the fighter, there goes the fighter(那個鬥士來了,那個鬥士來了)
Here comes the fighter(那個無畏的鬥士來了)
That's what they'll say to me, say to me, say to me,(他們這麼說著我,說著我,說著我)
This one's a fighter (這是一位勇士)

Everybody put yo hands up(每個人把頭抬起來)
What we gonna do (hey!) [x4] y'all?(我們要怎麼做?)
What we gonna do (hey!) [x3] y'all? (我們要怎麼做?)
If you fall, pick yourself up off the floor (get up)(如果你跌倒了就自己站起來)
And when your bones can't take no more (c'mon)(當你無法再承受更多的時候)
Just remember what you're here for(就想想你的初衷)
Cuz I know Imma damn sure (因為我知道,我深深的了解)
Give em hell, turn their heads(給他們點顏色瞧瞧.讓他們改觀)
Gonna live life 'til we're dead.(一定要努力不懈一直到死亡那天)
Give me scars, give me pain(給我考驗,給我磨練)
Then they'll say to me, say to me, say to me(然後他們會對我說,對我說,對我說)
There goes the fighter, there goes the fighter(那個鬥士來了,那個鬥士來了)
Here comes the fighter(那個無畏的鬥士來了)
That's what they'll say to me, say to me, say to me,(他們這麼說著我,說著我,說著我)
This one's a fighter (這是一位勇士)

Until the referee rings the bell(直到裁判鈴響)
Until both your eyes start to swell(直到雙眼腫脹)
Until the crowd goes home(直到人潮散去)
What we gonna do ya'll? (接下來,夥伴,我們要做什麼呢?)
