熱火主教滿意小將Tyler Herro表現 讚揚他所下苦功

熱火小將Tyler Herro於19-20季後賽中一嗚驚人,以新秀之姿為熱火整個季後賽中提供火力輸出,拿下場均16分5.1籃板3.7助攻成績,當中東區決賽第四戰中更挺身而出,三分射10中5轟下37分!

奈何一季爆發,Tyler Herro迎來他的撞牆期,常規賽得分場均15.1分,失誤有所提升,命中率亦有所下滑,未能為熱火提供穩定輸出。雖偶有得分演出,但未能做到穩定輸出,令不少球迷覺得他的精彩演出是曇花一現。


對於Herro熱身賽的優秀表現,熱火主教Erik Spoelstra亦十分滿意,更於訪問中稱讚他於休賽季的付出,並認為他在技術上愈來愈全面,學習了他需要擁有的技術。

引用“He has really improved all across the board,” Spoelstra said via Miami Herald. “His skill level is extremely high. He has really worked at it.”

Herro自己被問及熱身賽表現進步時,他亦表示自己過去兩季被人垢病進攻效率低。而他自己在上季觀看Chris Paul與Devin Booker於總決賽打出高效表現後,決心下苦功,決意不僅僅要做射手,而是要做一名能把球射進的出色射手。

引用"For my first two years, a lot of people said that’s an inefficient shot,” Herro said. “But after watching the Finals, you see [Devin] Booker and Chris Paul, you see how they really the whole playoffs, they worked the midrange and got to their spots. They were really efficient in those areas. So that’s an emphasis we had all summer was working on that and being able to be efficient. Not just take those shots, but make them. So I just have to continue to knock down those shots.”

有望來季能看到更多Tyler Herro於熱火打出更好表現,更希望能在有日於全明星賽中看到他的身影。
