金塊後衛Murray未有歸期?金塊主帥Michael Malone:來季球隊要為Jamal Murray缺陣做好心理準備。Murray:我自己都不知道

日前金塊後衛Will Barton於記者會被問到Jamal Murray缺陣下,除MVP中鋒Jokic外,金塊是否需要另立新主。Will Barton則表示:「無人可以取替Jamal Murray,我們來季只是需要以團隊去贏下比賽。」

這番言論令人懷疑,Jamal Murray是否未來一整季都無法上陣。對於這個疑問,近日金塊主帥Michael Malone於接受記者訪問時,有再進一步的透露相關資訊。對於Will Barton的發言,Michael Malone表示認同來季球隊需在Murray缺陣下,以團隊取勝。並指他自己亦不想或不希望隊中有任何球員成為另一個Jamal Murray,Murray缺席下,相信隊伍能彌補他的空位,直至他全面回歸。

“Yeah, I think that’s on point,” coach Michael Malone said. “I think Will’s mindset is where it needs to be regarding going into the season without Jamal Murray.”

引用“I remember the next day speaking to our team and that was kind of the point I made at that time: No, there is not another Jamal Murray on this team and I don’t want anybody trying to be Jamal,” Malone recounted. “No, we were going to make up for his loss as a committee, as long as everybody brought the best version of themselves.”



球隊總管Tim Connelly則對Murray需要更多時間復原及找回狀態表示支持,並表示非金塊向Murray下一個歸期,而是當Murray認為自己準備好就可以回歸。


Jamal Murray於5個月前常規賽,面對勇士時受傷。在賽事最後一節剩50秒時,他嘗試切入攻擊籃框,未知是否落地時位置不正確,導致其ACL斷裂,瞬間倒地,需坐上輪椅離場。
