黃蜂球迷該放心還是擔心?MIP競爭人選Miles Bridges談及其合約,留下模稜兩可答案

今季黃蜂打出令人眼前一亮的戰績,今季開季打出5勝6負成績(未計算今日對賽湖人),當中不少年輕球員都打出表現,如LaMelo Ball、Miles Bridges。Miles Bridges今季更是有明顯的進步,他於今季首5場賽事就合轟下128分!


而今季至今,Bridges場均貢獻22.5分7.4籃板3.4助攻,得分與上年的場均12.7相較,遠多一倍,更是4年以來所有數據最佳的賽季。今年賽季結束後,Miles Bridges與黃蜂就需要談及續約問題,打出身價的他亦被美媒關注他會否繼續為黃蜂作賽。有消息傳出,Miles Bridges獲黃鋒開出一份4年6000萬美元的合約,但已被他拒絕。


美媒《The Undefeated》就此訪問Bridges,Miles Brigdes對於合約問題,他就明確表示完全交由他的經理人負責,自己只會專注於賽事和獲勝。

引用“I’m not worried about the money,” Bridges insisted via The Undefeated. “I’m really just worried about playing the right way and winning. I will let my agent worry about all that stuff and just worry about the game.”

而黃鋒總管Mitch Kupchak亦表示對於續約Miles Bridges仍感興趣,更會於來年春天再與其代表討論續約問題。

引用“We love Miles Bridges,” Kupchak said. “We did have conversations with his representative up until the last minute. The decision was made to wait and see how the season plays out and we’ll approach it again in the spring.”

