Steve Kerr推KD及Curry為MVP人選,但更欣賞Curry今季表現!

根據NBA官方最新的MVP競爭名單,現時首兩位的MVP熱門人選為籃網的Kevin Durant以及勇士的Stephen Curry。二人更於本季得分榜中分庭抗禮,KD以場均29.6分暫居第一;Curry以28.1緊隨其後。

Curry及Durant更曾為隊友,為勇士取下總冠軍。對於兩位於自己靡下的球員,今季成為MVP競爭人選頭兩位,勇士主教Steve Kerr就向媒體表示Curry及KD是現時今季全聯盟表現最出色的兩位球員。

引用“Yeah, no doubt, to me they’ve been the two best players in the league so far,” Kerr said of Curry and Durant on when asked if the former teammates were the early frontrunners for MVP this season via NBC Sports.


引用“Even though we’ve all been here watching it, I’m still blown away,” Kerr previously said of Curry via Sporting News. “Not just the shooting range, but the competitiveness and the guts and just an amazing, amazing player. What a game he had.”

