公牛中鋒Nikola Vucevic首次回歸奧蘭多,分享對舊東家印象和被交易感受



相隔8個月,首次回到奧蘭多主場作賽,Nikola Vucevic自然被記者問起對於魔術當時交易自己的感受。根據《Chicago Sun Post》訪問,Vucevic明顯對魔術的決定並無任何負面情緒,並說:「魔術並非將在我不知情的情況下將我交易,一切都有經過討論,而我亦都同意才有交易發生。」

引用“Yeah, it wasn’t a situation where they traded me out of nowhere… It was something that we discussed a lot and it was mutually agreed… A lot of it came from my communication with them, so it wasn’t a surprise for me…"


引用"Never will I ever have any bad feelings toward Orlando. It will always be positive. It was time for the team to go in a different direction. It was time for something new to happen.”

這次公牛作客魔術,將會是Nikola Vucevic於完成新冠肺炎限制後第二場賽事,今季Vucevic暫時出賽12場,場均為公牛貢獻13.7分11.1籃板4.3助攻1.2抄截。
