Stephen Curry向媒體揭露,過去兩年最低潮的時間

今年的勇士打得風山水起,暫時開季拿下18勝2負成績,全聯盟最高。隊中主力Stephen Curry今季更再成MVP熱門人選,場均28.6分5.8籃板6.8助攻。

但回想過去兩年,勇士並不好過。球隊受傷患困擾,戰績受挫,由往日的爭冠球隊墮下至連季後賽都無法參與。作為隊中核心人物,Stephen Curry相信更是難受。始終球隊戰績下滑,作為球隊領袖,Curry責無旁貸。

Curry 近日就接受美國Yahoo記者Chris Haynes訪問,並揭露了過去兩年,自己最難過的時間。他表示,兩年間感到最痛苦的是當年在家中觀看「氣泡」賽事的時光。

引用“Watching the bubble was the lowest point of those two years,” Curry told Yahoo Sports. “There was a part of me that felt it was nice to get refreshed, and a part of me really missed playing on that stage. That was the first time in seven years of not being in the playoffs with the Warriors. We know each player had their own experiences in the bubble, but I would have loved to have been there competing. I would say that was the lowest point in terms of my basketball experience because I felt so far away from it. This is what I love to do.”

他補充,那是七年以來勇士第一次缺席季後賽,而他自己亦很渴望在賽場上全力奔跑、競爭的感覺。因此那時無法參賽,是對他來說球員生涯最低潮的瞬間。不過Curry可以放心,今年James Wiseman及好友Klay Thompson即將回歸,相信勇士進入季後賽並無問題!
