Kemba Walker連續七場沒有上場機會,紐約人主帥親自解釋原因


紐約人今場賽事中,前明星控衛Kemba Walker依然沒有出場機會,這亦已是他連續七場沒有出場的賽事。賽後記者亦向紐約人主帥Tom Thibodeau問及原因。Tom亦直接向美媒《New York Daily News》輕描淡寫表示:「這是執教上的決定。」

引用“It’s basically a coaching decision, yeah.”

而今日賽事中,之前被選為代替Walker以先發出場的Alec Burks休戰,但Tibodeau仍選擇將Kemba Walker留於板凳之上。反而讓新秀Quentin Grimes選為先發。對於自己的決定,Tibodeau有所解釋,他表示:「這是根據過去兩場賽事而決定,這個組合在過去兩場賽事都取得好成績,我認為能加大我們贏球機會。

引用“Just based on the previous two games and the groups that played well in those two games. And then how the game unfolded and the size of their guards and things like that. We thought that would give us the best chance to win.”

但紐約人在過去十場賽事,只贏下三場。到底Tom Thibodeau在打甚麼如意算盤呢?
