
近日聯盟遭受新冠肺炎侵襲,不同的球隊都受其影響導致短兵損兵折將,未能以最好狀態比賽。而湖人球星LeBron James在早前亦都受到聯盟的健康安全協議限制,曾無法出賽。他於日前就在個人社交媒體分享了一張Memes,內容則有關他自己對新冠肺炎的看法。



除了網民的反應,LeBron這番發言亦於球壇引來極大反應,其中就包括名宿Kareem Abdul-Jabbar!Kareem更於自己的個人網站中撰文,反擊LeBron的說法,文章名為:《Dear LeBron: Here’s the COVID-19 Help You Requested in Your Spider-Man Meme》。

引用Here’s the first problem with that statement: With 106 million Instagram followers, making such a post is automatically politically impactful because he questions the validity of the efforts to get the country vaccinated. As is evident by some of the comments that cheer LeBron’s post, he’s given support to those not getting vaccinated, which makes the situation for all of worse by postponing our health and economic recovery.


引用Vaccine hesitancy is higher in the Black community than in any other. While there are certainly justifiable historical reasons for Blacks to be skeptical of the health care system that has routinely marginalized, ignored, and even illegally experimented on them, that is not enough to justify compromising their health and even losing their lives during the current health crisis.

引用To directly address LeBron’s confusion, no one thinks colds and the flu aren’t serious. In the 2019-2020 flu season, 400,000 people were hospitalized and 22,000 people died. In 2020, 385,428 people died of COVID-19, while so far in 2021, 423,558 have died in the U.S., for a total of 808,986 deaths. Experts agree that COVID-19 is at least 10 times more lethal than the flu. As for the common cold, death is extremely rare.

