Klay Thompson接受美媒訪問,承認當年養傷期間做錯決定令阿基里斯腱受傷

Klay Thompson今季強勢回歸,現時的Thompson已打出不錯的表現,在明星週末開始前一場賽事,Klay Thompson則於對陣湖人時,第四節為勇士轟下16分,全場射入33分,令勇士最終最下勝利。

被人認為已完全恢復的Klay Thompson早前接受美媒《The Athletic》訪問,訪問中他回應到為何今次復出會有出場時間限制。Klay Thompson則大方公開原因,指與他當時ACL受傷復原後,於練習期間阿基里斯腱受傷一事有關。


Klay Thompson則於訪問中指,當時阿基里斯腱受傷的原因,是當時ACL康復後,自己對於籃球過於掛念,於是完全毫無節制地不斷參與練習,並進行5打5的賽事。

引用“I wasn’t at playing weight,” Thompson said. “I was really strong. I was doing a lot of lifting, strengthening my knee. But I just missed the game so much at that time and I was cleared to play 5-on-5. But I’m not sure if it was the right move.”

於是其阿基里斯腱受傷就這樣發生,經過這次經驗後,Klay Thompson亦汲取教訓,在今次的康復過程中,並無過於急進,決定以循序漸進方式,令身體慢慢習慣比賽強度。

引用But it just, uh, it’s something I learned from. I’m not in my early 20s anymore, where I can just play all offseason. That’s what I was trying to do. Going forward, I’m not going to do that. I’m going to save it for the season.



標籤: Klay Thompson  受傷  勇士