Draymond Green再次解釋勇士能打敗98公牛言論:重點是兩個年代的打球方式

日前Draymond Green在Twitter上就發表了驚人言論,在發言中Draymond Green指他在看98年公牛對陣爵士的總決賽第五戰。Green認為2017年時的勇士將輕鬆擊敗當年的兩支球隊。



Draymond Green在日前亦被一間媒體於街上捕捉到,並被問及該發文的問題。片段見以下連結:


在訪問中,Green指出他該段發言的重點並不在於兩隊之間的對位,而是賽事的節奏及得分方式。Draymond Green認為當年公牛與爵士兩隊的全場比分為82-81,如放至現今世代僅為半場的得分,所以他才會說出17年勇士能擊敗公牛的言論,而他想帶出的重點是將兩個不同年代作比較是沒有意義。

Everyone is talking about your tweet about how you could beat the 98′ Bulls by a dub, you really believe that? Draymond Green: By 40! Interviewer: 40? Who is locking up Jordan? Draymond: It ain’t about that, it ain’t about locking nobody up. See the part that people miss is there’s a difference in era. See those guys playing from the free-throw line in, see I was watching Game 5 of the 98′ Finals against the Jazz, the final score was 82-81. That is a halftime score. My whole point is comparing the eras, it just doesn’t make sense. No one is scoring 82 points in a game today.


標籤: Draymond Green  NBA  勇士  公牛