
雖然現時仍處於NBA休賽季,但國際賽事卻進行得如火如荼。近日最受人關注的就是歐洲籃球錦標賽,當中巨星雲集,如字母哥、Nikola Jokic、Luka Doncic都有代表自己國家出戰。

不過,令人意想不到的是在國際賽事中,巨星輪休的情況仍然出現。今日希臘方面就公佈他們的主將Giannis Antetokoumpo將於對陣英國的賽事中缺席。


不過對於字母哥選擇輪休亦情有可原。早在之前法國隊隊長Evan Fournier在接受歐洲媒體EuroHoops訪問時,就已批評歐洲籃球錦標賽的賽程過於緊密,需要改善。

引用“It’s the EuroBasket and we have back-to-backs. Back-to-backs are very hard. And back-to-backs in the NBA and back-to-back in the EuroBasket is two different things,” Fournier told Eurohoops. “There’s less games here so it’s more intense. When you play at 20:30 you usually sleep around 3:00. It’s a real big challenge. To be fair, it’s the same thing for everyone. It would be great if FIBA changed that to allow us to have more rest in between games.”

而今日Luka Doncic在接受同一媒體訪問時,亦都力撐Evan Fournier的發言。

引用Yesterday, basically we had two games in 24 hours. Yes this should change for everybody. Everybody is doing the same. Everybody has less rest. It’s a problem because of injuries you know. More injuries can happen. Especially the clubs wouldn’t be very glad.


在早前FIBA資格賽中,代表意大利出戰的塞爾特人前鋒Danilo Gallinari就在賽事中ACL撕裂,相信這亦成不少NBA球員擔心的情況。
