《The Athletic》記者就Kyrie現況訪問11位NBA總管:他可能不會再於NBA打球了

Kyrie Irving身陷泥沼之中,因他被指鼓吹種族仇恨,雖然他已於個人Instagram上道歉,但現時不僅籃網將其停賽,就連球鞋合約的Nike都宣布暫停與Kyrie的合作,更將本來即將推出的Kyrie 8推出日暫緩。



不少人都認為Kyrie Irving現時的狀況將嚴種影響他0今年與籃網完約後於自由市場的叫價,甚至有人認為他的NBA生涯會就此結束。對於這個情況,美媒《The Athletic》就訪問了11位NBA的總管,並以不公開身份方式報導了他們對於Kyrie Irving情況的看法。

當中其中一名總管直接向記者Sam Amick表示,認為Kyrie Irving將無法再於NBA之中打球。而這位總管亦對於他這個說法進行解釋:「Irving是一個很有挑戰性的人,如果我不理會倫理,只看籃球,他絕對是我需要的人。但你也不知道他何時會願意上場。」

引用I think he’s a really challenging guy. Leaving aside whether he’s a good human, a bad human, whether he’s using his platform correctly or anything else, and even if I have zero morals and I’m just making a basketball evaluation, you need him to play. It doesn’t matter why someone can’t play, but how do you feel good that he’s gonna be available?


引用But he’s getting to an age where, presumably, injuries are gonna get more frequent and everything else. This is the healthy version of him, too. So I think it’s really challenging. I guess there’s some chance he plays for the small midlevel or whatever, so maybe a team would do it. I just think it’s really challenging.

記者Sam Amick指出,其餘10位的總管大多數都與這位主管有相同看法,他們並非質疑Irving在場上的能力,但他的個性、出場與否、還能征戰多久,都成為不少NBA球隊在接收Irving前的問題與閘門。


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