勇士開季戰績令人失望,有呼聲指將Thompson放下板凳,Steve Kerr親自回應!




的確,現時勇士場均被對手得分達120.6分,排於聯盟尾二的位置,防守評分則位於聯盟第27位,可見勇士的防守何其疲弱。但除了防守,亦有人將矛頭指向Klay Thompson身上,認為Thompson出現明顯退化,應由Jordan Poole取代先發位置。

引用“No, that’s not something I’ve given any thought to. Jordan and Klay are very different players. Jordan’s more on the ball, Klay’s off the ball. When Steph is off the floor, we absolutely have to have Jordan on the floor. Doesn’t mean we can’t change combinations and rotations to get certain guys on the court together but Klay is a starter. That 5-man unit is the best in the league. Doesn’t make a lot of sense to me to break up that unit,”

勇士主帥Steve Kerr在出席《95.7 The Game》廣播節目時,就親自回應到這個問題。Steve Kerr認為Jordan Poole與Klay Thompson是完全不同的球員,Poole需要更多球權,而Thompson則能打無球。所以當Curry下場時,勇士必須要有Poole上場,這代表他們並非不能更換陣容。但Kerr強調:「Klay是先發,這5人陣容是聯盟中最好的陣容,完全沒有原因我要拆散他們。


標籤: 勇士  Klay Thompson  Steve Kerr  Jordan Poole  NBA