Kyrie Irving坦言曾打算與LeBron再度聯手,但未能成事:「你要問那些GMs」


湖人再度失利令不少湖人球迷都開始反思當初球隊的在休賽季的部處是否正確,甚至是思考到上季湖人沒有換來Kyrie Irving而是選擇了D'Angelo Russell而感到失望。

引用"He's a great friend of mine, a great brother of mine," Irving told FOX Sports. "We obviously played together [in Cleveland]. Everybody knows our history. But there were so many different factors in between. When it comes to business decisions, you have to ask the GMs, the presidents why certain things didn't work out."

日前,Kyrie Irving接受《FOX》體育記者Melissa Rohlin訪問,訪問中Kyrie Irving坦言自己與LeBron曾在Kyrie加入獨行俠前進行過再度聯手的討論。但Kyrie Irving表示最終因為不同的原因沒有成事。但Kyrie Irving亦表示自己亦不太清楚詳細原因,指出叫記者要問那些球隊主管們。

引用"Dallas welcomed me with open arms. For me, it wasn't time to think about the ‘what ifs.' It was time for me to put my best foot forward. That's what I did. It's hard to think of the ‘what ifs,' the allure, the thoughts of it."

不過現在已成為獨行俠球員的Kyrie Irving亦表明自己不會再回首過去,而是專注於在獨行俠、與Luka Doncic攜手的未來。

引用資料來源:《Kyrie Irving is focused on future with Luka Dončić, not past with LeBron James》
