
《哈利波特》(Harry Potter)外傳《怪獸與牠們的產地》(Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them)三部曲的首集還有一年才上映,雖然它仍在拍攝階段,但片商華納兄弟(Warner Bros Picture)已經展開了宣傳攻勢!

怪獸與牠們的產地將被打造成一個電影三部曲,首集於2016年11月18日上映,由拍過四集哈利波特電影的David Yates執導,由作者J.K.Rowling首次編寫劇本,並由整個哈利波特系列的監製David Heyman再次監製。這星期,美國電影雜誌Entertainment Weekly發放了一些獨家資料和圖片,讓觀眾認識一下電影的故事大綱、角色和怪獸。

引用Eccentric magizoologist Newt Scamander (Oscar winner Eddie Redmayne) comes to New York (for a reason we won’t disclose) with his trusty weathered case.This case is one of those way-way-way-bigger-on-the-inside magical devices, and within are expansive habitats for a collection of rare and endangered magical creatures from Newt’s travels around globe. He discovers the American wizarding community is fearfully hiding from Muggles (who are called “No-Maj” in the States) and the threat of public exposure is an even graver concern than in the UK (remember the Salem witch trials?). Fantastic Beasts is the story of what happens when this uniquely skilled English wizard travels to wiz-phobic America and a variety of his creatures, some quite dangerous … get out of their case.
(Newt Scamander是一位魔法世界裡古怪的動物學家,因為某個原因,他帶著值得信賴的古舊行李箱前往美國紐約。這個行李箱內裡的空間比看起來大很多、很多、很多,是一些Newt在旅途當中遇見的稀有、瀕危物種的棲息地。在這次美國之旅中,他發現當地的巫師社會正被可怕地從麻瓜當中隱藏起來,而公眾曝光的威脅亦比英國裡的更嚴重。這部電影就是講述Newt在這個恐懼巫師的國家裡的旅程,以及因行李箱裡的危險生物逃出來而引起的事情。)



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