再演007? Daniel Craig:「寧願割脈自盡」!!!???

苦等三年,新一集007電影《007:鬼影帝國》(Spectre)終於要上映了!這次已經是Daniel Craig第四次飾演James Bond,不知道他是否厭倦飾演這個角色呢?
在7月的時候,外國傳媒TimeOut對剛剛完成拍攝的Daniel Craig進行訪問,他亦流露出真實的一面:

從2006年的《新鐵金剛智破皇家賭場 》(Casino Royale)開始計算,他飾演James Bond已經十年了。被問到他是否一直都有打算飾演這角色四次,他這樣回答:
引用Well, I was contracted to do another one. That was all set up. But at the studio there was a real keenness to get it done as soon as possible. In fact, there was a conversation at one point that went: “Let’s film two movies back to back.” I just went: “You’re out of your fucking minds.” In the nicest possible way. They’re just too big.

Daniel Craig所演的007令人最印象的畫面,相信是他在《新鐵金剛智破皇家賭場 》中在海灘上的一幕。被問到在10年後對這幕的感覺,他似乎頗為激動:
引用I don’t look at it! I don’t look at it, weeping, going “Wasn’t I beautiful!” Everything like that has been a voyage of discovery. I was aware of what was needed to be Bond but it still goes against everything I believe in. You’ve met me a couple of times, I’m not very cool. I’m not the coolest human being. I wish I was, but I’m not. And I don’t pretend to be cool. But playing James Bond, you have to be cool, and what the hell is cool? You could write a dissertation on it! That was a big accident, that particular shot. I was pretending to swim in shallow water and then I stood up and walked out of the water! I was pretending to be cool by swimming, I thought it looked stupid and stood up and I walked off – and that was the shot!
我不想看到這畫面!!只想啜泣說一句:「我不漂亮嗎?」我覺得這些事情就像一個探索之旅:我當時察覺到要怎樣飾演James Bond,但這是一些我不喜歡、不支持的事情。你之前訪問過我幾次,一定知道我不是一個十分型格的人,更不是世上最型格的人。當然,我希望自己是,但我真的不是,亦不打算裝成一個型格的人。然而,飾演James Bond,你一定要很型格,但究竟什麼是型格?你可以寫一篇有關它的論文! 其實這一幕真的是一個大意外:我當時在很淺的海灘上假裝游泳,然後站起來準備離開,結果這就成為了電影中的一幕。我當時只想透過游泳來假裝型格,但覺得太過愚蠢,因此才站起來準備離開,結果就造就了這一幕!!

他亦回想起當初答應飾演James Bond的決定:
引用I know, it’s ludicrous, it’s ridiculous. When I first got approached, I just thought: You’ve made a mistake. I don’t know, it’s still crazy.

007電影備受矚目,網民的關注和意見似乎也嚇怕了Daniel Craig:
引用You can’t think about it. I don’t go on the Internet any more. I think if you’re famous, the Internet is evil. I really think that. If you’re famous, it makes you paranoid. Or it makes you more paranoid than you already are. Because if you’re famous and you go on the Internet for half an hour, you realise people are talking about you. It doesn’t matter how strong you are, some of that will make you paranoid. I just don’t do it anymore. It’s the enemy of creativity.

Daniel Craig在接受訪問時,才剛剛完成拍攝,因此被問到會否繼續飾演007時,他非常激動:
引用Now? I’d rather break this glass and slash my wrists. No, not at the moment. Not at all. That’s fine. I’m over it at the moment. We’re done. All I want to do is move on.
I haven’t given it any thought. For at least a year or two, I just don’t want to think about it. I don’t know what the next step is. I’ve no idea. Not because I’m trying to be cagey. Who the fuck knows? At the moment, we’ve done it. I’m not in discussion with anybody about anything. If I did another Bond movie, it would only be for the money.

被問到他是否在意誰會代替他飾演下一代的James Bond, Daniel Craig的回應亦十分直截了當:
引用Do you care who plays Bond after you?
‘Look, I don’t give a fuck. Good luck to them! All I care about is that if I stop doing these things we’ve left it in a good place and people pick it up and make it better. Make it better, that’s all.’

不知道大家是否希望再次看到Daniel Craig飾演007呢? 雖然他當時表示不想再演,但或許他有足夠休息後,會再次被劇本等因素吸引,再演這角色呢!

(後記: [推廣廣東話]
在翻譯Daniel Craig的說話時,看到他那麼直接的回答,更不斷出現Fuck等字眼,真的很想把它翻譯成廣東話lol
“You’re out of your fucking minds.”譯成「你地真係傻撚左!」
"I’d rather break this glass and slash my wrists"譯成地道的「你不如一槍打死我!」
"I don’t give a fuck."譯成「我唔撚想知!」


資料來源: TimeOut
