Quentin Tarantino再次確認他只會多拍兩部電影! 究竟是誰外洩《冰天血地8惡人》的劇本?

喜歡看《危險人物》(Pulp Fiction)、《希魔撞正殺人狂》(Inglourious Basterds)、《黑殺令》(Django Unchained)的朋友,你們或許要失望了,因為Quentin Tarantino仍然堅持只會多拍兩部電影。

幾日前,Tarantino的新作"The Hateful Eight"《冰天血地8惡人》(編者頗喜歡這個片名,雖然還是不及《希魔撞正殺人狂》lol)於洛杉磯首映。之後,導演聯同幾位「惡人」一起到清談節目Jimmy Kimmel Live!中宣傳。他在節目中表示,他仍然打算只多拍兩部電影,原因是若果他知道自己只餘下兩部電影,他就會盡力確保它們是好電影:
引用If I only think that I only have two movies, well, that keeps it at the tip of the spear, if you know what I mean…….. That means those ones better be good and I better mean everything about them.

引用That’s a betrayal, but not crippling because the agent didn’t end up with the script. There is an ugly maliciousness to the rest of it. I gave it to three actors: Michael Madsen, Bruce Dern, Tim Roth. The one I know didn’t do this is Tim Roth. One of the others let their agent read it, and that agent has now passed it on to everyone in Hollywood. I don’t know how these fucking agents work, but I’m not making this next. I’m going to publish it, and that’s it for now. I give it out to six people, and if I can’t trust them to that degree, then I have no desire to make it. I’ll publish it. I’m done. I’ll move on to the next thing. I’ve got 10 more where that came from.
......我把劇本給了三位演員:Michael Madsen、Bruce Dern和Tim Roth,而我很清楚Tim沒有把它洩露出去。因此,餘下的那兩位演員中,其中一個把劇本交給他的經理人,而他的經理人就把它外洩出去。......

在Jimmy Kimmel Live!中,Jimmy亦問及這個問題,Tarantino和一眾演員的回答亦非常爆笑:
(除了片段好笑外,網民的留言亦很過癮!!尤其是"Michael Madsen is the reason I don't smoke"(Michael Madsen就是我不吸煙的原因)。


圖片來源: broadsheet
