《國定殺戮日》(The Purge)開拍電視劇!?將會更深入地探討殺人動機!!

《國定殺戮日:大選狂屠》(The Purge: Election Year)剛於上週在香港上映,本週便有電視劇續作的消息!!

圖片來源: Bleeding Cool
《國定殺戮日》在2013年上映第一集,以三百萬美元預算,賺來近九千萬美元票房。因此,片商分別在2014和2016年上映第二集和第三集,並取得更為理想的票房和影評成績。電影即將於美國發行DVD/Bluray,因此系列的導演和編劇James DeMonaco近來亦接受了不同的訪問。在接受Cinema Blend訪問時,James DeMonaco表示有意開拍電視劇版《國定殺戮日》,講述6至7個互相關聯的故事線,並運用倒敘、插敘(flashback)等手法把它們剪輯在一起:
引用The idea of why I like the idea of a maybe 10 hour TV thing on this, the one thing you really can't do on the films is, just because of mere real estate and time, is you can't get into the nuance and complexity that would drive someone to commit a terrible act on this night. Whether it's revenge or out of passion, but what might be interesting in a TV show is with a flashback narrative, if you start on Purge Night but you go back to show how people have gotten to where they are. Where you see a couple that's gone haywire on this night, but let's show everything that's led up to this moment of a husband trying to kill a wife -- the cheating or the accusations of cheating or money problems. It will be interesting to show those arcs, those dramatic and complex arcs that get people to where they pick up a gun or a knife and kill someone else. I think there's something cool that we can do with the real estate of TV -- 10 hours, potentially.

事實上,近年來有不少電影都開拍電視劇外傳或重啟,包括去年的《逆天潛能》(Limitless)和《未來報告》(Minority Report),以及即將首播的《救參96小時》(Taken)。它們的水準和成績各有千秋,有好有壞。而Marvel和DC亦努力擴展他們的電視劇宇宙,其中不少作品中的人物建立和發展亦被讚揚。

至於劇集現時的發展狀況,James DeMonaco表示他們正在處理合同、製作費等細節,並受到電視台高層的高度重視。因此,相信我們很快會聽到此劇的最新消息!!


資料來源: Cinema Blend
