English Writing成日用錯Inversion?Eng Paper 2 英文倒裝句筆記

DSE English Writing 寫作 Paper 2好講求大家嘅sentence structure要有變化,相信大家英文作文都會想用到Inversion架啦,今日就分享下各種Inversion既用法啦,以例子輔助,輕鬆易明呢個咁高難度嘅grammar。


1. 位置副詞:將一串指示位置/方向既phrase搬到前面

常用字詞:above, against, behind, beside, under, on, in…
用法:地方 + (verb) + (noun)

Standing under the tree is Tom. (Tom is standing under the tree.)
Outside the classroom stood thirty students. (Thirty students stood outside the classroom.)
2. 動詞:將active voice轉為ing、passive voice動詞轉為past participle再放在前面

用法: Present/Past participle phrase + (be) + …

Following is a list of possible solutions. (A list of possible solutions follow.)
Included in the file are two sheets of paper. (Two sheets of paper are included in the file.)
3. 比較副詞:直接將整串比較phrase搬到前面

用法: 比較副詞 + (verb) + …

Even more annoying/ Most annoying is Tom’s constant noise. (Tom’s constant noise is even more annoying/ the most annoying.)
用法: 假如兩句有並列關係,可以在第二句使用inversion: …. , (比較副詞) + (do)/(will) + (noun) + (verb)

The more we thought about the plan, the less did we like it.
用法: did後動詞要跟現在式!

The more we thought about the plan, the less we liked it.
4. 轉折關係:利用as / though並把形容詞詞前置

用法: (Adj.) + as / though + (noun) + (verb) + …

Difficult as their tasks were, they completed them quickly. (Although their tasks were difficult, they completed them quickly.)

5. 假設關係:將原本if後be/has/should前置

用法: (be)/(had) + (pronoun) + (verb) + …

Were I to get the job, I would do my utmost. (If I were to get the job, I would do my utmost.)
Had they told the teacher, we would be punished severely. (If they had told the teacher, we would be punished severely.)
用法: Should + (pronoun) + (verb) + …

Should you need any further information, please feel free to contact me. (If you should need any further information, please feel free to contact me.)
6. 負面副詞:Inversion可以用黎強調負面意思,將Not字後的一串phrase前置
用法: Not: Not until, Not since…
用法: Not + phrase + did/has/will… + (noun) + (verb) + …

Not until we finished our work did we go to play. (It was not until we finished out work that we went to play.)
Not a penny did Tom give the beggar. (Tom did not give the beggar a penny.)
用法: No: 如有帶負面意思的any,記得轉做No

On no account could you take away the book. (You could on no account take away the book.)
Under no circumstances must you tell the secret. (You must not tell the secret under any circumstances.)
用法: 常用phrase有on no account, under no circumstances, nowhere, at no time…

Only: Only by this way, only when, only if, only after…
Only after you had finished your work could you leave. (You could only leave after you finished your work.)
7. 程度副詞:一啲顯示「少」、「低」既副詞亦都可以用Inversion, 用法係將副詞放到最前面
用法: 副詞 + has/did + (pronoun) + (verb)…

Little did we know that Tom has finished the work. (We did NOT know that Tom has finished the work.)
Hardly had we started studying when the teacher came. (We had hardly started studying when the teacher came.)
留意關於頻率既副詞(hardly, scarcely, barely)後面通常接when/before,常用既副詞有例如Little, seldom, hardly, scarcely, barely…

用法: So…that/suck: 用來強調一個形容詞
用法: So + (adj.) + (be) + (noun) + that + …

So annoying was Tom’s noise that we could not concentrate. (Tom’s noise was so annoying that we could not concentrate.)
用法: Such + (be) + (noun) + that + …

Such is the danger of fire fighters that they are highly respected.
8. 時間: 簡單直接,將時間搬到前面
用法: (時間) + (verb) + …

Last year saw many conflicts between the US and North Korea. (We saw many conflicts between the US and North Korea last year.)
Recent months have seen controversy regarding the government’s spending on education.

