阿仙奴不敗中堅蘇甘寶首執教鞭 成功領包尾欠薪球隊絕地逃生

阿仙奴不敗功臣蘇甘寶 (Sol Campbell) 可能一生人從未有過咁嚴峻嘅考驗,佢今季中途開始自己嘅執教生涯,第一份工作就係嘗試幫助一支病入膏肓嘅球隊護級。第一份執教工作對主帥而言十分重要,結果唔好的話,隨時整花份CV,改變日後嘅際遇。偏偏蘇甘寶係一位一往無前嘅勇悍中堅,佢當年以熱刺球員身份加盟阿仙奴亦未曾畏懼後果及旁人目光,或者應該話佢係一個賭徒?但佢兩次都賭贏。

啱啱過去嘅周末比賽,英乙聯賽完成最後一輪賽事,擁有143年歷史嘅馬爾斯菲 (Macclesfield) ,於主場以1-1賽和劍橋聯,喺最後一輪僅僅以3分之差,力壓世上最長壽職業球會諾士郡 (Notts County) ,護級成功。呢3分差距,係英格蘭球壇嘅鴻溝,因為一旦由英乙降班,就意味著球會將跌出英格蘭職業聯賽系統,一失足成千古恨。喺蘇甘寶上任前,呢3分差距亦係遙不可及。








引用"Not many clubs could have got out of that scenario," said Campbell.

"I'm proud of the lads and their achievement."

"At times, we've had to climb mountains.

"It's been frustrating with the scenarios off the field but they have responded, they've dug in. They've always tried to play football, they've showed tenacity under pressure, a will to win and they've shown great character."

"For me, I want to start again here and get a pre-season under my belt and have some kind of budget," said Campbell.

"I've had no budget - I've had to beg, borrow and steal and utilise my contacts to get through.

"It's brilliant we've not been relegated, which was on the cards for a hell of a long time.

"As a manager this has been a baptism of fire. This is great getting through it, because everyone was losing their heads but sticking to the plan. There was a lot of pressure on me, too.

"I don't think anyone wanted to take on the job when I took over, but I took it and put everything into it - my heart, my soul and my spirit.

"I have been committed to it, because that's what you have to do in football. But it's football, I love it and I love everything about it, it's my life."

Source: BBCTelegraph
