16阿迷組織聯署狠批班主 「太子爺」公開回應「會令球迷興奮」,即傳租借施巴路斯


近日,有16個阿仙奴球迷組織 (Arseblog, Arsenal Armed Forces Supporters Club, Arsenal Supporters’ Trust (AST), Black Scarf Movement (BSM), Highbury Library, Highbury Squad, Hugh Wizzy. Gooner Fanzine, Goonerholic, Gunners Town, Gunnerblog, Le Grove, REDACTION, She Wore A Yellow Ribbon, You Are My Arsenal Blog and 7am Kick Off) 聯署發表公開信,狠批班主高安基只當球會係生財工具,缺乏雄心,要求班主聆聽球迷訴求,以及改組球會管理層、增加運作透明度。

阿仙奴現正於美國參加國際冠軍盃,班主高安基之子祖殊高安基 (Josh Kroenke) 曾現身探望一眾職球員,正續步從父親手中接過體育王國管理權嘅「太子爺」,公開回應球迷嘅批評,接受阿仙奴官網專訪。


引用Last season, there were positives. We came so close but fell short.

......To travel all the way to Baku and ultimately fall short of our goal of winning a trophy last year - and the Europa League, which would have been our first European trophy in quite a long time - it was very hard. I was there on the pitch with our players, with our staff. I was there on the podium handing out our second-place medals after the match. I could see the frustration, I could see the despair. I felt that, I understand that. ...... We’re going to be talking, communicating and having honest dialogue about how we’re going to go about our process to achieve those ultimate goals of winning that silverware that we know we need.


We’re right in the middle of the transfer window and the fans are hoping for signings. What would you say to them?

I would say ‘be excited’. There are a few things that I know our group are working on, and a few things we hopefully have on the doorstep. Nothing is ever a done deal until it’s a done deal, obviously, but we know we have key areas we want to address in our squad, both now and in the future. Our entire football operations staff have a great grasp on that and I’ve encouraged them to be as aggressive as possible.

「太子爺」開腔後,阿仙奴主帥艾馬利於國際冠軍盃賽事對拜仁慕尼黑前,表示已經同新任技術總監伊度 (Edu)、桑利希 (Raúl Sanllehí) 、高安基父子會談,得到共識,球會今夏將會於幾個位置上增兵,大約會簽入3-4名球員,其中包括「大牌球星」及出色年輕球員。


引用"Really, I can say to our supporters that we are going to have a very good team with the players that are there now and also with three or four players who can help us in a few days.

"Really we are speaking about the big players and because we are starting thinking about our team and our squad now, and we have very good players and very good young players that can progress to take and get big performances with us. Other players can come here to help us.

"We need, really, that they will come with a big performance and also our target is to achieve three or four players who really improve our team and our squad now.

"We are being very, very demanding and we are first speaking about the possibility to sign very big, very expensive players and the first player in our list is our first target. And after, if we cannot achieve that, then the second. But we are thinking every time that they are going to improve our squad."

根據《BBC》阿仙奴轉會消息專家 David Ornstein 報導,阿仙奴繼續於法國中堅沙利巴 (William Saliba) 爭奪戰中領先,同時繼續爭取簽下些路迪左閘泰亞尼 (Kieran Tierney) ,又確認最新傳聞:正嘗試租借皇家馬德里中場施巴路斯 (Dani Ceballos) 。


Source: Arsenal.comGoal90minTelegraphArseblog


標籤: 高安基