

利物浦於官方網站宣布將年輕球員尼達利爾菲臘斯 (Nathaniel Phillips) 外借到德乙球會史特加,本來就冇乜特別,但原來佢季初已經被借去史特加,季中被球會召回,然後而家又返去史特加,真係耐人尋味。

現年22歲嘅英格蘭中堅尼達利爾菲臘斯2016年由保頓青年軍轉投利物浦青年軍,今季初被外借到德乙球會史特加鍛煉,暫時為史特加上陣11場 (9場聯賽+2場盃賽) 。早前,利身浦遇上密集賽程加上中堅傷兵潮,馬迪普及路夫雲一度同告受傷,一隊中堅除咗「定海神針」雲迪克之外,就要依賴祖高美斯。因此,高普於2019年12月27日決定將尼達利爾菲臘斯召回,暫時舒緩中堅荒。



筆者絕對唔會怪責利物浦,因為首先呢個做法實際上符合合約條文的話就冇問題;另外,代入球員角色,其實可以想像佢係相當樂意,代表利物浦正選上陣係佢生涯嘅一個成就。只係純粹覺得呢個操作相當有趣,原因係利物浦如果要用年輕球員頂上,其實U23隊中有其他選擇,例如今季簽入嘅18歲荷蘭中堅 Sepp van den Berg 亦被看好,但利物浦竟然選擇呢個做法。


引用“He’s our boy, he’s on loan at Stuttgart and is doing really well there,” Klopp told Liverpoolfc.com.

“For people who don’t know, Stuttgart pretty much should be, together with Hamburg, the best team in the second division. They are third in the moment, they want to get promoted obviously, and they unfortunately sacked the manager because they are not happy with third place so you see how ambitious they are.

“They are a football-playing side and Nat is doing there really, really well. He played, I think, 11 games.

“Now we have the situation that we have and we thought ‘what can we do to help us a little bit?’ and we asked Stuttgart if they would be ready to give him back to us for a while and they said ‘OK’.

“I don’t think we asked Nat, actually, but he looked really happy yesterday [Friday] when he was in the dressing room so it’s just a nice story that we can do something like this. I hope that from Everton he will be available.”
Source: Liverpoolfc.com

Nathaniel Phillips returns to Stuttgart on loan
Jürgen Klopp explains Nat Phillips' return to Liverpool
'You can't ask for more from your LFC professional debut' – Nat Phillips
