


近日歐洲各大聯賽因為疫情而暫停,不少球會於收入大減之下,難以向職球員支薪。球星尚且有過往高薪可以緩衝一下,基層職員可謂手停口停,而球只薪金佔據球會開支一大部分,所以有部分球會都宣布已經同球員商量,同意球員暫時減薪,讓球會優先幫助職員 (亦有球會強制執行,甚至將球員解約) 。西甲勁旅巴塞隆拿同樣未能例外,面臨財政危機,早前會方向球員提出要求暫時減薪。


巴塞隊長美斯最近於 Instagram 上發表聲明,表示巴塞一隊球員全體同意減薪70%,更會為協助所有球會職員領取全薪作出額外貢獻。聲明由批評球會內部有人刻意將球員置於公眾目光之下,向球員施壓逼使佢哋同意球會開出嘅條件。但聲明重申,球員本來就願意,甚至曾主動提出幫助球會職員度過難關,因此對球會做法感到驚訝。隨後,多名巴塞球員同樣於個人帳戶作出同樣聲明。




引用"We want to clarify that our desire has always been for a reduction to be applied to our salaries because we understand that this is an exceptional situation and we are the first that have ALWAYS helped the club with what they have asked of us.

"Many times we have even done things on our own accord, at moments when we felt it necessary or important to do so.

"For that reason, it surprises us that from inside the club there would be people that want to put us under a magnifying glass or try to pressure us into something that we were always clear we wanted to do. In fact, if the agreement has dragged on, it's because we were looking for a formula to help the club and its workers in these difficult times.

"For our part, the moment has arrived to announce that, aside from the 70% wage cut during the State of Emergency, we are going to also make contributions so that all the club's employees can earn 100% of their salaries for as long as this situation lasts."

Source: ESPN
