才華骨氣兼備的動畫師 ! -- 教徒公敵 DarkMatter2525

來自美國的 Youtuber ,DarkMatter2525 以一系列惡搞基督宗教、回教神話故事的動畫成名,亦有製作諷刺美國時弊的小動畫。世上不少人有宗教信仰,有人嗤之以鼻,亦有人公開評擊,但以這樣有趣的手法去探討本來嚴肅的話題實屬難得。

先介紹一下惡搞系列中最常出現的人物 :
Yahweh (雅威 ∕ 耶和華)
系列雙主角之一,此為基督宗教聖經中的神,原作者在此系列中傾向把祂描繪成一個不近人情、壞心眼、腦殘卻自命完美的的昏君 (舊約)。極度嗜殺,"An eye for an eye" (以眼還眼) 便是祂的傑作,只喜歡阿謏奉承,往往以暴力對付敢言直諫的 Jeffery 。危急關頭不會施以援手,強調 "Free Will" 卻又愛操弄人心,認為人下地獄是咎由自取。雅威的神蹪包括以四十日大洪水滅世,午夜中殺盡埃及人畜所有頭胎,以天火焚毀 Sodom 與 Gomorrah 兩座城,摧毁巴别塔等等。

Jeffery (聖神 ∕ 聖靈)

Jesus Christ (耶穌 ∕ 聖子)
三位一體雅威之子,祂的形象會隨特定集數而有所改變。較常出現的是白人形象的耶穌,亦有出現中東人(真實)耶穌和關塔那摩灣囚犯耶穌。性格漫不經心,愛耍樂,與 Not-Muhammad 為千年死對頭。 2000 年前被雅威派遺到人世間進行「救世計劃」,身上有當年被釘,和朗基努斯之矛所刺的聖痕。酷愛 Minecraft 和 Rapping。

Not-Muhammad (不是穆罕默德)
伊斯蘭教先知穆罕默德,系列中他的形象就是幾個方形的黑盒子,明顯是要譏諷伊斯蘭原教旨信眾對宗教玩笑的忌諱。祂與耶穌為千年仇敵,每次碰面幾乎暴力收場,以發動聖戰 (Jihad) 為樂。居住在伊甸園旁邊的伊斯蘭天國,侍奉阿拉真主,視猪為低賤物種,擁有愛驢 Ya`fūr 與無數處女。

Lucy Fur (擏旦 ∕ 路西法)
墮天使路西法,地獄之主。在系列中被描繪為雅威的朋友,耶穌和 Jeffrey 的同輩。形象為一個眼泛血光的小女孩,說話從不動一吋唇舌,以腦電波發出令人心寒的男惡魔聲綫。

由於系列動畫太多,故不逐一介紹,現只簡述幾套較為深刻的作品。有興趣看更多,請到原作者頻道 : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLhtZqdkjshgq8TqwIjMdCQ

God's God
雅威在嘲笑一名剛死去的無神論者,要把他打下地獄。Jeffrey剛巧碰上,衪為無神論者抱不平,更展開一場激辯。雅威老羞成怒,緒以天雷殺死 Jeffrey ,誰知自己也被開槍殺死......

筆者節錄比較精采的對白 :

(Starts from 1:00)

Jeffery : ... what's the explanation for your existent and intelligence?

Yahweh : I just am, okay?

Jeffery : Not okay, if human minds are so intelligent that it demands a creator as an explanation for their existence, then how much more intelligent must their creator's mind be - so intelligent that it too demands an explanation for its existence, even more so.

Yahweh : ... I'm always existed, I just am.

Jeffery : That means it's possible for an intelligently designed mind to exist without a creator, and therefore, this atheist's disbelief in his mind was intelligently designed. It's perfectly reasonable because you are standing here, God himself supposed to be the most intelligent thing of all time. And you, were not intelligently designed. This atheist is perfectly consistent. In fact, the atheist who knows his mind is the result of evolution, has far more then an explanation that "I'm just eternal." As if you were eternal, makes you absent from the logic which you just now implied to be so obvious. Now that I think about it, the only inconsistency here IS YOU... According to your logic, you must be CREATED.

(Starts from 2:16)

Yahweh : I'm omniscient, I know all.

Jeffery : You can't know that.

Yahweh : Why the hell not?

Jeffery : Because there could be something you don't know, that you don't know. And you'd never be able to say there isn't, because you wouldn't know it if there were.


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