【最新消息】愛華頓正式接觸戴治 加歷查:戴治你值得擁有

愛華頓自解僱領隊後一直都與般尼主帥戴治(Sean Dyche)有不少緋聞,今天Sky Sport收到消息指愛華頓正式接觸戴治,並希望24小時內成功請到戴治執掌教鞭。
早前加歷查(Jamie Carragher)在Sky Sport的節目中更表示戴治任教愛華頓的機會難得,所以他應該答應愛華頓。加歷查指戴治和般尼茅夫的主帥賀維(Eddie Howe)是近年最有前途的兩位英格蘭主帥,賀維上年更帶領般尼茅夫排在英超第9名,不過因為今年失望的成績而被人遺忘。戴治現在有千載難逢的機會執教愛華頓,如果他拒絕的話,下年可能會與賀維同一處境,失去一個去上爬的機會。
引用"One thing you must remember is that for a long time Sean Dyche and Eddie Howe have been the two up-and-coming English managers in the Premier League. Eddie Howe hasn't been mentioned once for this job; he finished ninth last season with Bournemouth."

"But because they're struggling this season, he hasn't been mentioned, because it's all about timing. Sean Dyche could easily be in that position next season."

加利尼維利(Gary Neville)雖然沒有指出戴治應否轉投愛華頓,不過他就認為般尼不會輕易讓戴治離開。首先戴治這5年來只用了3千5百萬英磅,加利尼維利指這數字是驚人地低,而這段時間做了一次英超升降機,上年他們終於成功護級留在英超,加上球員薪金水平是全英超最低,證明戴治有能力在低金錢投入的情況下帶領球隊創佳績;其次,般尼現在完完全全是戴治的球隊,每個球員都依足戴治的指引比賽,不會有人能夠影響到他們的運作。
引用"The net spend (£35m over five years) is ridiculously low, and the wages are the lowest in the league."

"When we talk about managers, we quite often talk about philosophies and values, but whenever you see this Burnley team, you have absolutely no doubt they're doing exactly what Dyche has told them to do, every single inch of the way."


來源:Sky Sport


標籤: 般尼  愛華頓