【英冠入球Show】一場波兩球員戴帽 17歲小將能否成大器?

早前英冠上演一場精彩的入球大戰,錫菲聯主場以4-5惜敗富咸,兩隊都各有一位球員上演「帽子戲法」分別是富咸17歲英格蘭小將賴恩施斯隆(Ryan Sessegnon)和錫菲聯前鋒李安奇勒(Leon Clarke)。



小將施斯隆今場是他生涯第50次為富咸比賽,賽後主帥Slavisa Jokanovic對他讚不絕口,指施斯隆頭腦清晰和樂意去學習,他現在向正確的方向成長,未來一定會有更好的出路,球隊亦會嘗試幫助他,今天他正是得到隊友的幫助才攻入3球。
引用"Ryan (Sessegnon) is growing up in the right direction, he is a young player with a clear head, he wants to improve and learn. He wants to be better in the future."

"We will try and support him, but he had the support of his team-mates today"

另一位上演「帽子戲法」的球員奇勒其實近三場已經兩次戴帽,攻入8球,前兩輪主場對陣侯城的比賽更一口氣攻入4球為球隊取得勝仗,不過錫菲聯仍然以2分之差落後榜首狼隊。賽後富咸主帥Chris Wilder亦對球員今場的表現感到驕傲,表示作客要攻入5球並取勝太難以置信。
引用It's difficult to make sense of it. To concede five at home, you are not going to give yourself a fantastic chance.I was proud of the players for the way we went for it"

來源:BBC Sport


標籤: 英冠  富咸  錫菲聯