【將帥不一】夏薩特干地歐聯唔怕強隊 但卡希爾:最好可以避過巴塞或PSG

作為隊長應該實事求是還是要鼓勵隊友振奮士氣呢?車路士已經確定以小組次名出線歐聯16強,車路士的王牌夏薩特(Eden Hazard)和主帥干地(Antonio Conte)都表示不會害怕巴塞隆拿和巴黎聖日耳門等潛在對手,不過隊長卡希爾(Gary Cahill)就有不同看法,表示不想在淘汰賽早段碰上他們。

引用"To get to and win the final, of course we have to beat the best teams," Cahill said

"You expect to see the very, very big teams later on. At this stage of the competition, those that qualify are top teams - you can't dodge anyone too much - but I hope the draw is a good one for us."

引用Hazard told BT Sport Football: "It's not a problem. We are Chelsea. We can face any team. We know PSG and Barcelona, they are very good. But we are Chelsea and we have to be ready for everything. We can do everything."

Conte said: "If you want to go through, if you want to try to be protagonists in this tournament, you must be ready to face the best teams. Our opponent won't be happy to play against us."

卡希爾今季由泰利(John Terry)手上接過隊長之位,不過開季至今表現未如理想,甚至正選席位亦岌岌可危,今次雙方的言論可能再次引發起卡希爾是否適合擔任隊長的問題。卡希爾雖然是隊中的老臣子,不過一直被人指缺乏領袖氣質。

來源:Independent and Daily Mail
