【今次大檸樂】曼聯中堅拜利或需要進行手術 摩佬:我諗問題都幾嚴重!

曼聯中堅拜利(Eric Bailly)自11月對車路士的比賽後一直缺陣至今,連續8場要作壁上觀。今日曼聯領隊摩連奴(Jose Mourinho)表示拜利的傷患問題嚴重,可能需要接受手術。


引用Mourinho said: "I think it is serious. I don't know [how long he will be out]. It is an injury that came from the last time he was with the national team.

"We are trying a conservative treatment but if the treatment is not resulting then probably it will end in a surgery procedure but let's wait a little bit more."

現在曼聯陣中中堅還有鐘斯(Phil Jones)、史摩寧(Chris Smalling)、連迪路夫(Victor Lindelof)和盧祖(Marcos Rojo)。

來源:Sky Sport
