【真好記性】利物浦簽最佳中堅摩佬「抽水」 提醒高普話過個市咁癲就唔教波

利物浦早前宣佈以七千五百萬鎊買入雲迪克(Virgil van Dijk),這單交易成為歷史上最貴後衛收購,而這個紀錄由夏天至今已經三次被刷新,更讓球迷驚覺轉會市場的瘋狂。有記者向曼聯領隊摩連奴(Jose Mourinho)提問關於今次交易的感言,摩連奴就引述高普(Jurgen Klopp)一年前的言論「抽水」。
在普巴(Paul Pogba)以當時最高身價九千二百萬鎊加盟曼聯時,利物浦主帥高普就曾經講過,如果這一類天價收購愈趨平常的話他便會離開「足球」,表示自己不想參與在這類競賽當中。近日利物浦打破最貴後衛身價紀錄時,外國記者就訪問摩連奴相關事宜,摩連奴就先引述高普之前的說話調侃一番,之後再指出現今市場正是如此並不是利物浦造成的。
引用Asked about Van Dijk's move, Mourinho said: "I think the one to speak about it in a specific way has to be Jurgen.If I was one of you I would ask him about his comments about one year ago [when Pogba signed]."

"No criticism at all about what Liverpool did. It's just the way it is."
摩連奴表示他並不是針對雲迪克這一單交易,而是指現今轉會市場正是這樣一回事,當你想收購心儀目標便要付出瘋狂的金融,要不然就空手而回。另外,他亦提到現今市場已經與之前不能相提並論,甚至只是短短三年前亦難以比較,對球員身價亦不以為然,表示難道會有人認為雲迪克會比李奧費迪南(Rio Ferdinand)或馬甸尼(Paolo Maldini)更好嗎?

引用"When we compare now the amount of money that certain managers and clubs spend, not even 10 years, but three years ago, is to compare the impossible.

"Now you are going to say Virgil van Dijk is the most expensive defender in the history of football. Was he better than [Paolo] Maldini, [Giuseppe] Bergomi or [Rio] Ferdinand? You cannot say that.

來源:Sky Sport
