費Sir人雖退威望仍猶在 麥湯米尼揀蘇格蘭原來都關佢事!?

曼聯今季又有一位小將成功上位,麥湯米尼(Scott McTominay)更短暫頂走狀態下滑的普巴(Paul Pogba)成為正選,擁有雙重國籍的他更成為國家隊的爭搶對象,最終他選擇了蘇格蘭。今日麥湯米尼的祖父就透露今次的決定與費格遜(Alex Ferguson)莫大關係。

麥湯米尼今季在曼聯嶄露頭角,現時在英超上陣7場比賽,當中4場正選,他亦有在歐聯正選上陣90分鐘比賽,摩連奴(Jose Mourinho)對他非常信任。麥湯明尼擁有雙重國籍,英格蘭與蘇格蘭均希望可以將他收歸旗下,最後他就選擇了蘇格蘭,而他的祖父就透露選擇蘇格蘭的最大原因是費格遜。


引用"Sir Alex Ferguson was keen for Scott to play for Scotland as well. He was up front about it. I know that for a fact. I can say that without fear of getting contradicted. That has been kept under wraps. He and Jose Mourinho were both quite keen on it over the last month or two.

“Sir Alex Ferguson has been very good with Scott over the years. He gave him his first contract with Manchester United when he was 16 before he retired and then made sure it was extended when he was 18. He seems to get on well with him. I have seen them talking.”


