車路士聯賽盃門將羅生門 泰利:「沙利處境好棘手,未來24小時將會好有趣。」

聯賽盃決賽在香港時間2月25日凌晨舉行,曼城互射十二碼階段擊敗車路士衛冕。今場比賽單以攻勢或競賽表現來說場面頗為沉悶,但在比賽尾段車路士一次換人調動就震驚球壇,門將阿列沙巴拿加(Kepa Arrizabalaga)拒絕被換落場,令領隊沙利(Maurizio Sarri)怒髮衝冠。

聯賽盃決賽尾段,車路士門將阿列沙巴拿加疑似因為一次撲救抽筋,經隊醫治理後繼續作賽,數分鐘後再次倒地要求醫治,領隊沙利有見及此馬上作出換人調動,希望卡巴尼路(Willy Caballero)入替,但阿列沙巴拿加示意自己能繼續作賽,拒絕沙利的換人決定,令到領隊大動肝火幾乎一人走回更衣室。賽後沙利接受訪問時就推說當時與門將有所誤會,經隊醫說明情況後已經平息怒火。

前車路士隊長泰利(John Terry)亦是今場比賽的客席評述,他就對換人事件發表個人意見,他指:「現時沙利的處境相當難搞,我亦幾驚訝沙利冇堅持換人決定,事件並未結束,未來24小時球會的動向將會很有趣。另外,如果我當時在更衣室的話我希望領隊能夠馬上處理事件。」
引用"It leaves Sarri in a tough place - I'm surprised he didn't force him to come off," he told Sky Sports.

"It will be interesting how it pans out in the next 24 hours for the club.

"It's not the end of it - it's a cloud over a really good Chelsea performance especially with what's happened of late, as the results and performances haven't been good enough. It's disappointing - let's see what happens now."

He added: "If I was in there [dressing room] I'd be expecting the manager to come in and deal with it instantly."

來源:Sky Sports
