Adam Silver:NBA將不會接納改變3分線的動議

隨著Stephen Curry的三分球獨步天下,過去幾季的表現徹底改變了NBA的原有比賽模式。此難免坊間開始輿論是否有需要改變三分球的規則,以作平衡內線的重要性。NBA總裁Adam Silver就對此作出否認,表示球場上的規則不會因而改變,並同時解釋當前的NBA是有史以來最好的。

Adam Silver近日被問及有關改變比賽規則的問題時,就矢口否認這個可能性,並表示過去的發生類似案例,只會因為個別人士擁有異於常人的能力,間接對其他球員產生不平等問題,甚至令球賽變得不夠過癮,競爭意味不足,以及減低了可觀性。
引用"Not anytime soon," Silver said when asked about a potential rule change, "and largely because when we've changed the rules in the past — and much of that happened before my time in the game — it was because there was a view that a particular player because of his skill had, frankly, an unfair advantage over other players. It made the game either less enjoyable, less competitive, less aesthetically pleasing.

但就Stephen Curry的事件而言,Silver就表示Curry並未擁有過人的身型,亦沒有壓倒性的對抗優勢。反之,他的技術更因而擴展了各方面技能的可能性,甚至令很多年輕人不再因身高的限制而對NBA望而卻步,任何人只要經過努力的訓練,加入NBA不再只是暇想。
引用"To me, what's happening with Steph — and it's not just young boys, but young girls as well — while he's by no means small relative to regular-sized folks, by NBA standards he's a little bit undersized. I mean, he's smaller than the average player in this league. He's not particularly physically overwhelming, and I think it broadens the pool in many ways of potential players in this league. I think even with his 3-point shooting, what it's demonstrating is that there's a whole ... class of young people playing the game who can at least dream that they can potentially do what he can do. You can't dream that you're going to be 7 feet tall, but you can work at it and become a fantastic competitor on the floor.

隨後更間接表示競賽委員會不會因此而接納改變規則的要求:「我們經常都在尋找可以改進的地方,而競賽委員會今個夏天會做的,只會是坐下來研討整體發展的趨勢,在商業角度亦然,球迷的反應是我們尤關重視的。」他繼續道:「所以我只能說,我不認為有必要作出任何改變,但我們仍會關注。公平的說Steph和 Klay (Thompson)的成就是過去十年前所未見的,我認為Steph只是好得無人能及。在我看來,目前的NBA實在是太美妙了。」


