巴西球星Dani Alves 改穿23號為向LeBron James致敬

巴西足球球星Dani Alves日前正式轉投意大利球會祖雲達斯,並一改以往風格,選擇在新東家改穿23號球衣,原來目的是想向「大帝」LeBron James致敬。


「我選擇23號球衣是因為LeBron James,我佩服他永不停步的尋求改變,不斷尋找新的挑戰和勝利。」Alves說。
引用"I've picked the No. 23 shirt. LeBron James is someone I admire for the way he constantly reinvents himself and never rests on his laurels, always aiming for new challenges and triumphs," Alves said.

引用"After leaving Miami, where he was enjoying a good career, he's come back with a bang and reinvented himself," Alves said. "It's a decision that brought about my choice to move to a new country, meet new teammates and experience another type of football."

想不到James的影響力,遠至足球界亦受到波及。其實早於2003年,「萬人迷」David Beckham哄動全球的由曼聯轉會至皇家馬德里時,亦因向偶像Michael Jordan致敬的關係,而同樣選擇改穿23號球衣。

資料來源: http://www.espnfc.com/italian-serie-a/story/2904096/dani-alves-to-wear-no-23-at-juventus-in-tribute-to-lebron-james
