正式公佈! Hassan Whiteside續留熱火

熱火和Hassan Whiteside正式達成協議,球員新球季將會續留在邁阿密,粉碎離隊傳聞。而交易的條款則尚未披露。

27歲的Whiteside在The Players' Tribune公佈這個消息:「我由中學開始已經打過八支球隊,由Reno Bighorns到江蘇同曦(中國),我還沒準備好效力第九支球隊。我已經決定和熱火續約。我只是想利用這個時間感謝所有球迷,你們對我及這個團隊是多麼的重要。急不及待要回到球隊,並嘗試為邁阿密帶來另一個總冠軍。」
引用I’ve played on eight teams since college — from Reno to Sioux Falls to Sichuan, China.

I am not ready for there to be a ninth.

I have decided to re-sign with Miami. I just wanted to take this time to tell all the fans how much you mean to this team, and to me.

Can’t wait to get back to work and try to bring another championship to Miami. #HeatNation


續留Whiteside為熱火組軍的第一步,球隊接下來必須留住老臣子Dwyane Wade。但無可否認,今次的消息亦令Kevin Durant來投的機會大增。此外,Gerald Green,Luol Deng,Joe Johnson,Udonis Haslem,Dorell Wright和Amar’e Stoudemire亦會在今夏成為自由球員。


資料來源: http://www.foxsports.com/nba/story/hassan-whiteside-miami-heat-re-sign-return-free-agency-center-dallas-mavericks-070116
