何解Gregg Popovich如此鐘愛Tim Duncan?

隨著Tim Duncan正式宣佈退役,意味著一個傳奇完美落幕。多年來一直與他征戰多年的主帥Gregg Popovich,想必感觸良多。兩個性格相近,沉默寡言的人,何解可以成為合作無間的拍擋?其實早在去年Popovich接受KNBR訪問時,早已透露了彼此間的手足之情。


引用“There are a lot of guys and teams in this league that I couldn’t walk in the gym and try to coach them, because I’m going to be too direct, and that’s what we believe. If you did poorly, we’re going to tell you. If you did well, we’re going to tell you. If Timmy isn’t rebounding, I’m going to get on him just like the 11th or 12th guy on the team.

“There are a lot of stars out there who can’t handle that. They don’t want to be criticized at all. But Tim’s comfortable enough in his own skin to know that I’m gonna tell him right between the eyes what’s going on.

“He also knows that, win or lose, at the end of the day, I’m going to love him, we’re going to get a bite to eat, think about our families."

相比起現今人情冷暖的球壇,如此手足之情,實在是難能可貴。但與其說是手足,倒不如說是一對球場上的父子來形容可能更為恰當,一位老爸爸多年來一直費盡心機,指引兒子走上正確的道路。隨著Duncan的榮休,現役的「One Club Men」球員名單又再刪減一人。



資料來源: http://www.foxsports.com/nba/story/the-simple-reason-gregg-popovich-loved-coaching-spurs-legend-tim-duncan-071116
