【震驚】 Ray Allen或復出加盟紐約人

銳意晉身爭標行列的紐約人,今夏動作多多,除了引入Derrick Rose和Joakim Noah之外,近日有傳亦在遊說三分球神射手Ray Allen復出坐鎮,假若成事來季定必有一番新境象。

據哈特福德新聞報報導,紐約人死忠粉絲Spike Lee正向Allen展開遊說工作。「Spike Lee一直嘗試招募我,我們一直在互發短訊,」Allen說。兩者的關係看似南轅北轍,何解會牽涉到球會如斯重要的行動?其實非然,事關Lee正是後者有份主演的電影『He Got Game』的導演及編劇,難怪兩者關係如此深厚。

"Spike Lee has been trying to recruit me ... We've been texting," Allen said.


引用"My decision is predicated on what is available ... I said that I was interested because I never retired for a reason. I've been watching, seeing what teams have been doing and I've been waiting to see if the opportunity presented itself where I think I could fit."

"I worked out the other day in New York with a friend of mine ... I was shooting, I was going through my routine just like I'd always done. Yeah, I was a little winded, but I was able to go through my routine like I'd always gone though my routine and I didn't feel like I'd missed any time in doing what I was doing. For me, it's not 'Can I do it anymore?' It's how I feel after I do it. And yesterday, I felt great."

41歲的Ray Allen是多項NBA三分球紀錄的保持者,包括常規賽命中最多三分球 (2,973球),以及季後賽命中最多三分球 (385球) 的紀錄。在現今如此重視三分球的趨勢,若然最後選擇復出,Ray Allen或會帶來意想不到的驚喜。

資料來源: http://www.foxsports.com/nba/story/spike-lee-is-recruiting-ray-allen-to-return-the-nba-and-play-for-the-knicks-080616
