【MJ昔日隊友】狀元Kwame Brown或復出 重返NBA賽場

工資帽來季的瘋狂增長,引來不少原本經已養尊處優的前NBA球星,紛紛走出來渴望賺取「最後一桶金」。2001年的選秀狀元Kwame Brown,近日亦被傳媒大爆經已簽下新經紀人公司,似為重返NBA賽場做好準備。

引用"His comeback can be the road to glory for a team that believes in him. Kwame is back, physically healthy and ready to be the outstanding player he was on several NBA teams.

A great intimidator that can block shots, rebound consistently and explode in devastating dunks. No longer the young man that entered the NBA, Kwame is now an experienced and mature player and man. And he's back, for the love of the game."

值得一提,2001年被華盛頓巫師以狀元簽選中的Brown,多來年表現貨不對板,因而被譏為「水貨狀元」。職業生涯曾於2003-04賽季唯一一次取得場均超過10分(10.9分)的成績,可惜所屬球隊巫師整體表現仍然欠佳(25勝57負),翌季之後便被交易掉。另外,此子除了跟「籃球之神」Michael Jordan成為球場上的拍擋之外,亦曾於2011年賽季轉投勇士,跟現今當紅炸子雞Stephen Curry和Klay Thompson成為隊友,可惜在僅上陣9場後,再一次難逃被球隊交易的噩夢。

