Blake Griffin願意留效快艇直至退役

快艇球星Blake Griffin上季雖然飽受傷患困擾,導致缺席了41場賽事,但整體表現依然不俗,常規賽拿下場均21.4分,8.4個籃板球和4.9次助攻的成績。適逢這名大前鋒明夏將可進入自由球員市場,因此惹來不少轉會的猜測。但據最新消息指,Griffin本人非常樂意留效,甚至一直至球員生涯結束。

在上季Chris Paul的缺席下,Griffin的角色變得尤其重要。但無奈快艇多年來總是無緣問鼎總冠軍寶座,因而傳出兩人有感意興闌珊之說。但據外媒Basketball Insiders報導,後者目前未有任何離隊的打算,並視快艇為球員生涯的最後一站。而教練Doc Rivers以至球會主席,都絕對無意接受任何對Griffin或Paul兩位當家球星轉會的洽談。

引用Sources close to Griffin have been adamant that he is planning to re-sign in L.A. and that he’s not open to going anywhere. Clippers president and head coach Doc Rivers has mirrored that, saying he believes Griffin retires as a Clipper. ...

Sources close to the situation say win or lose, Rivers is not open to trade talks on Griffin or Paul and that he’s not worried about either walking away in July.


