Jimmy Butler證實去季更衣室的不和傳聞

假如用「雷聲大,雨點少」來形容去季的公牛,就實屬最貼切不過。這支六屆總冠軍盟主,去季有Jimmy Butler,Pau Gasol,Derrick Rose,以及Joakim Noah等球星壓陣下,最終只能以第九名衝線,八年來首次失落季後賽的資格。但何故擁有冠軍級人馬的公牛,成績會突然一跌千丈?有傳陣中靈魂人物Butler與兩位老臣子Rose和Noah不和,導致隊內軍心散渙。空穴來風,未必無因。日前Butler就承認了確有此事發生。


引用“I say this in the most humble way possible and I mean that, is the [young players] here see Jimmy Butler the two-time All-Star, the Olympian, a 20-point per game scorer, the player I have been since a lot of these young guys came into the league,’’ Butler said. “They didn’t see the guy that was trying to get off the bench like other people have, and I don’t need to say names. So as my role changed, the way I go about the game changed. If I’m not playing well I’m hurting my team because I’m supposed to be a reason we win.

“Now, the way I handle my business is, ‘Look man, I want to win. I don’t give a expletive if you like me or not. I’m here to win.’ ‘’

雖然Butler未有公開點名批評,但抨擊對象其實已呼之欲出。姑勿論其說法是否真確,只知道分別效力了八年的Rose和九年的Noah,最終「敗走」到紐約人,而Butler則與Dwyane Wade和Rajon Rondo組成「三巨頭」。安定軍心是教練職責的重要一環,Fred Hoiberg顯然未有做好工作,難怪公牛去季的成績會如此差勁。

