公牛死忠總統Obama 「轉駄」力撐勇士為總冠軍首選

眾所周知,美國總統Barack Obama是芝加哥公牛的死忠粉絲。適逢公牛今夏積極擴軍,邀得Dwyane Wade和Rajon Rondo等名將加盟,成為奪冠的熱門之一。但日前他卻一反常態,直指勇士才是今季總冠軍的大熱球隊。

曾多次向外界表示自己是公牛球迷的Obama,直言Kevin Durant的加盟令勇士的攻力再昇華到另一階段:「我支持勇士的原因,就是因為Durant的來投。我認為他們的攻力實在太強,雖然首仗賽事遭逢慘敗,但時間會弄清楚一切。」

"I'm going to go with the Warriors just because of [Kevin] Durant, that addition," Obama said via the SF Chronicle in an interview Friday on "Sway in the Morning." "I think they just have too much firepower. Although they just got spanked in their first game, so it will take a while to figure things out."

事實上,Obama跟勇士球星Stephen Curry份屬好友,雙方除了曾合作拍攝宣傳短片之外,還不止一次被傳媒拍下相約打哥爾夫球。難怪強如美國總統,亦會突然「轉駄」改撐對手。

