【第1100場勝仗】馬刺險勝小牛 Popovich賽後炮轟球員表現「可悲」

名帥Gregg Popovich昨日率領馬刺以96比91擊敗小牛,摘下今季第11場勝仗之餘,更達到職業生涯的里程碑,就是成為NBA史上第七位拿下1100場勝仗的主教練。

引用"That was a pathetic performance on the part of the Spurs," Popovich said. "They had some guys out. We had some guys out. But they had a lot more out than we did. I felt we showed a lack of humility, a lack of respect for the opponent. A very pathetic performance at both ends of the court, both in execution and in grunt, fiber and desire. It was an awful performance."

今倣收起兩位主力Tony Parker和LaMarcus Aldridge的馬刺,雖然有Kawhi Leonard和Pau Gasol發揮水準,分別交出24分9個籃板球,以及16分8個籃板球,但其他球員表現相當一般,難怪賽後摘下1100場勝仗的Popovich亦未有流露半點興奮之情。即使順利擊敗對手,但看來球員們亦不膽敢大肆慶祝。

