
以Capcom經典系列《生化危機》改編,主打"完美"重現遊戲一、二代故事的《Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City》即將於明天11月24日全美上映。在本戲宣傳初,參演角色造型被多方詬病,走著露骨至極點的「多元化」路線,卻與原著相違背到連SJW都護航不能。由於海外優先場已經結束,不少知名外媒都紛紛寫下評論。但大家需知道,廠商請你入場,吃過茶禮就不能說話太重,就讓我們一同精研英語文學,學習一下語言偽術的美好吧(笑)
引用【《IGN》——Taylor Lyles】
《生化危機歡迎來到浣熊市》不是最差的遊戲改編電影,以及不是最差的生化危機改編電影。導演Johannes Roberts的確令本作比Paul W.S. Anderson更貼近原著,這點值得稱讚。但本作短,而且第三幕相當急促,但是缺乏真正可怕的元素令黑暗場景變得令人卻步。

Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City is certainly not the worst video game adaptation or even the worst Resident Evil movie, but both those bars are pretty low. Director Johannes Roberts does deserve some credit for sticking much more closely to the source material than the Paul W.S. Anderson films, but a short runtime, a rushed third act, and lack of elements to make it truly scary to watch in the dark hold it back immensely.

【《CinemaBlend——Eric Eisenberg】

Following the end of the previous live-action Resident Evil series, the approach taken in the making of Resident Evil: Welcome To Raccoon City was the smart one – the idea being a “back to basics” move. The actual film, however, takes that idea far too literally. It’s perhaps a case of the 1990s source material serving as an influence on the genre in the last couple decades, but that doesn’t excuse so much of the movie feeling so tired.

引用【《Digital Spy》——Ian Sandwell】

While long-time fans will adore the faithfulness to the games, this approach has its own flaws that lead to the new movie lacking bite. You might recognize the locations and characters, yet you'll experience none of the terror of playing the games.

引用【《GameSpot》——Phil Hornshaw】

Fans of Resident Evil will likely enjoy that Welcome To Raccoon City is a closer conception of the horror ideas of the games, as well as their lighter side, than past adaptations. Its take on Resident Evil's characters are similarly close to the source material, made all the better by some solid changes in backstory and a cast that is both having fun and selling the scares. But the movie never seems willing to lean into its good ideas, or to risk coloring too far out of the lines established by the game series.

引用【《Slant》——Mark Hanson】
Paul W.S. Anderson改編的《生化危機》電影仍然是成功的指標。在比較優秀的幾集中,充滿著令人上癮的未來科技以及哥德美學。令人瞠目結舌的設計以及瘋狂的動作設定,令遊戲中的願景變成現實實。而今次《歡迎來到浣熊市》未能充分取代這些東西,以致於整個發展都在暴露出它自身缺點,甚至沒有任何一個演員可以及得上由Milla Jovovich所飾演的Alice。

Paul W.S. Anderson’s Resident Evil films remain a benchmark of success for video game adaptations, and at their best (the original, Afterlife, and Retribution) they brought the games’ visions to life with addictively cool techno-goth aesthetics, eye-popping production designs, and demented action set pieces. Failing to adequately replace any of these things, Raccoon City only reveals its lack of personality the longer it progresses, particularly since no one among the anonymously attractive cast is able to fill the shoes of Milla Jovovich’s badass Alice.

引用【《New York Post——Johnny Oleksinski】

The film is empty-headed good fun that’s blessedly under two hours and has just enough character development to make you kind of care when someone gets bitten.

引用【《Variety》——Nick Schager】
Capcom重新把《生化危機》帶上大銀幕,同時把標誌性的女角色(Alice)刪走,只為了更忠於原著,但這種策略顯然是完全失敗的。導演兼編劇Johannes Roberts提供了大量的粉絲服務,卻忽視了故事的連貫性以及恐怖元素。加上"華麗"的CGI特效,可以預測這個喪屍傳奇開畫後到底有多可怕。

Capcom’s zombie video games get new big-screen life with “Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City,” a reboot that does away with its signature leading lady and aims for a more faithful adaptation of its interactive source material. That tack proves to be a complete misfire, as writer-director Johannes Roberts supplies plenty of fan service but scarce coherent plotting and even fewer scares. Throw in chintzy CGI effects, and the theatrical prognosis for this undead saga appears dire.

引用【《Daily Dead》——Heather Wixson】
雖然我怎樣都不會說這套戲是一部完美的砲影,但在觀影的過程仍然是個有趣的時間(如果你覺得這樣做比較舒服……),正確的比錯誤的多,但有一些元素是絕對可以再進行額外的調整(我永遠為什麼這戲中的怪物感到難過)。總體來說,Johannes Roberts這次的改編可見其對原著的熱情,以及對細節的關注。再加上Scodelario(飾演Claire)的演出,算是為我製造了一次有趣的觀影體驗。

While I wouldn’t call Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City a perfect movie by any means, it’s still a perfectly entertaining time at the theater (if you’re comfortable doing so) that gets more right than it gets wrong. There are definitely some elements that could have used a little extra tweaking (I will forever remain saddened by the monsters in this), but as a whole, Johannes Roberts has crafted a video game adaptation that’s bursting with love for those games as well as the horror genre, and it’s his enthusiasm and attention to detail, plus Scodelario’s performance, that saved the movie for me and made it a rather entertaining viewing experience.

引用【《Deadline——Valerie Complex】

The storytelling is more efficient, does well to build tension, with better character building. At other points, it’s slow, and disjointed, with sub-par VFX on par with graphics of PlayStation 2 video games. With the balance of good and bad, it’s just an ok film that tries to do a lot in such little time.

引用【《LA Times》——Kimber Myers】
編劇兼導演Johannes Roberts,於2021年將一部喪屍化版本的電子遊戲改編成電影,當這套電影如此腦殘的情況下,用「爛鼻子」來作為比喻實在再適合不過。《生化危機歡迎來到浣熊市》或者很適合用來獎勵遊戲的原著粉絲,但對其他觀眾來說,他們會發現自己和電影中的角色一樣,很想離開這個城鎮。

It feels too on the (decaying) nose to call writer-director Johannes Roberts’ 2021 take on the video game a zombified version of its predecessor, but when a movie is this brain-dead, the metaphor is earned. “Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City” may reward longtime fans of the video games by returning to the series’ origins, but others will find themselves wanting to leave town, much like the movie’s characters.
