
先前被指吹噓朝鮮半島是人類起源地的北韓,現在也成為媒體的惡搞對象,戲謔地指稱北韓已成功登陸太陽。該新聞源自一家充滿戲謔式惡搞的媒體Waterford Whispers News,新聞一發出,也引發網友間熱議。該媒體報導,北韓官方通訊社發布消息,指北韓17歲太空人洪義公(音譯)於21日凌晨3點獨自乘搭特製太空船出發前往太陽,並於4小時後到達目的地。在這則消息中指出,這位17歲的太空人特意選擇在「晚上」出發前往太陽,以避開太陽強烈的輻射。

THE STATE News Agency of North Korea has confirmed today that the country has become the first in the world to ever land a man on the sun.

It reported that astronaut Hung Il Gong left for the sun on a specially designed rocket ship at approximately 3am this morning.
報導指出北韓太空人 Hung Il Gong 在今日凌晨三點,以特殊設計的火箭升空前往太陽。

Hung, who traveled alone, reached his destination some four hours later,landing his craft on the far side of the lonely star.
Hung 獨自在太空中旅行,大約四小時後到達他的目的地,並將他的船停在太陽的另一面

“We are very delighted to announce a successful mission to put a man on the sun.” a North Korean central news anchor man said on a live broadcast earlier. “North Korea has beaten every other country in the world to the sun. Hung Il Gong is a hero and deserves a hero’s welcome when he returns home later this evening.”
「我們很高興的宣布,我們達成了將人放到太陽上的任務。」北韓中央新聞主播稍早是這麼說的「北韓是世上第一個登陸太陽的國家,Hung Il Gong是一個英雄,當他今晚回到家的時候,我們會給他一個英雄式的歡迎。」

The specially trained astronaut is expected to return back to earth at 9pm tonight, where he will meet his uncle and supreme leader Kim Jong-un.

It is understood that the 17-year-old ‘space explorer’ traveled at night to avoid being engulfed by the suns rays, and that this genius approach has brought the soviet state to the top of the global space rankings.

While on the sun, Mr. Hung collected sun spot samples to bring back to his supreme leader as a present.

The 18 hour mission is already being called the ‘greatest human achievement of our time’ by the North Korean central news agency.

新聞來源:WW news
