
文章是關於出來創業開發產品的程序員,要成功的話需要什麼。我是翻譯自Brian Knapp寫的一篇內容,可能我並不是一字一句的翻譯,而是會把原文的要點都盡量寫出來。



自1995年我的父母買了一台Packard Bell電腦以來,我一直在窮敲代碼。當時它運行的是Windows 3.11 for Workgroups和DOS。


我給你舉一個好例子。幾年前,我開發了一個叫Static Hosting的服務,它提供一個簡單而便宜的方式去託管靜態網站。



流程很順暢吧,並不像Amazon S3上託管需要去做很多的配置。





這個服務現在已經關掉了,後來一些開發者告訴我太貴了,他們寧願使用Amazon S3託管網站。










接下來是Brian Knapp的原文

There is one thing you need to do if you are going to develop your own project and I say this as someone who has done dozens of my own projects with limited to no success in most of them.

But first, let me tell you a quick story.

I have been hacking on code since my parents bought a Packard Bell computer in 1995. It ran Windows 3.11 for Workgroups and DOS. It was amazing at the time.

I built all kinds of games, small programs, apps, and websites since then. Some of them made money, most of them did not.
I will give you one great example. A couple years ago I built a service called Static Hosting that would be an easy and cheap way to host your static websites.

It was beautiful. All you had to do is upload a zip file of your site and it would be online.

We also built a command line tool to upload your site.

It was super slick and did not require as much configurations as hosting on Amazon S3.

The pricing was not crazy, as it was like $5 month per website or something.

To make a reasonable salary of say $50–60,000 a year we need like 1,000 websites hosted there.

It was a great service and my business partner and I used it. We even got a couple friends using it.

We never got anyone else to use it. It probably made less than $100 total, ever.

Now, I did go around and try and sell this idea to people and developers told me it was too expensive. They would rather use Amazon S3.

Okay, well that did not work.

In retrospect, I went about the whole thing wrong.

If I had to do it all over again, I would find developers and ask them if they want a product like this.

If they said yes, I would offer them a deal - $30/year for life if you pay the first full year right now, before I build anything.

Because here is the thing: Until someone gives you money for a product, you do not have anything. Period.

And that brings us to the big lesson that every web entrepreneur learns eventually.

It does not matter what you build, it matters what you sell. Learn how to sell, then sell like your life depends on it.

Products, services, and ideas all die if you never get paid.

So, if you are wanting to go solo and build your own product, then get good at selling people your product and getting money for it.

關注香港SEO教學 - 學習SEO網站優化。


標籤: developer  webdeveloper  software  startup  tech