夏日清新電音 Rüfüs - You were Right

我很喜歡聽電音,電音來說,法國的電音一向也是十分獨特有味道,不過今次我要介紹的不是來自法國的團隊,而是來自澳洲的Rüfüs。不知道澳洲音樂是否開始掘起,開始出道了不少的歌手或樂隊,澳洲有名的清新電音代表者一定是Emprie of the Sun,當年「Walking in the Dream」可以說是火熱得很,到自今還是經典耐聽。當然,今次不是介紹Emprie of the Sun就是氣勢不弱的Rüfüs了。

Rüfüs出道幾年,第一張EP RÜFÜS EP 也好評不斷,上年出的單曲You were Right可以說是我最近大愛。節奏輕快得來帶點憂鬱,旋轉易記及上腦。音效細節上也很清新,不拖泥帶水,不花巧,簡單聽著,讓人有種在海水浮游著的感覺,與歌內的歌詞"Under the water, I'm sinking further down.Floating I'm nothing, I'm nothing"互相呼應。上星期去海灘聽,與海灘的氣氛十分的合拍及聽著令人舒服。(就連單曲封面設計也是令人舒服的波浪圖案。)

如果只聽美國千篇一律的夜店歌(以及千篇一律的歌詞) 感到有點厭倦,不如找點新意,聽聽其他國家的好歌,製作水準可是不差的啊。Rüfüs的音樂風格平易近人及舒服,希望你會愛上他們的作品吧。

You were right
I know I can’t get enough of you
Leave it all bloom
You were right
I know I can’t get enough of you, no
The things that I would do

Under the water, I’m sinking further down
Floating I’m nothing, I’m nothing
Arms are wide open, I’m calling out your name
Sitting and waiting, I’m waiting

You were right
I know I can’t get enough of you
Leave it all bloom
You were right
I know I can’t get enough of you, no
The things that I would do

I’m cold in the river
Lips moving there’s no sound
Pulling me under, I’m under
You’ve given me nothing
Keep telling me I’ll be fine
Keeping me kissing, out guessing

You were right
I know I can’t get enough of you
Leave it all bloom
You were right
I know I can’t get enough of you, no
The things that I would do


標籤: music  音評  電音  Rüfüs  音樂