Aston Martin最新超跑,800匹V12火神發佈

英國經典Aston Martin也趁著 2015 Geneva Motor Show發表新車。


Aston Martin的CEO Andy Palmer 指:「Aston Martin Vulcan的本質是一輛罕有而刺激的超跑。」

「承襲自Aston Martin多年的精粹,Vulcan的設計及技術將駕駛感及賽道上的能力兩者兼得,為駕駛者帶來真正的駕駛體驗。」

Aston Martin Vulcan is, by its very nature, a rare and thrilling supercar,Designed and engineered to deliver a genuinely bespoke driving experience that draws on our rich heritage, this car tailors its power and handling to both the capabilities of the driver and the characteristics of the track.

不過大家要目睹此新車的機會應該微乎其微了,除了因為它只限量推出24輛之外,也只是Track-only的超跑。只有在Aston Martin的賽道日上才可在跑道上見到它們的身影了!

來源:Aston Martin
