6次封阻,3次抄截!Jayson Tatum 創下一項最年輕的紀錄!

塞爾特人暫時是聯盟其中一支防守最好的球隊,最近三場比賽分別面對騎士,木狼及籃網,綠軍成功將對手得分壓制在88分內。昨天以兩分之差擊敗籃網,新秀小前鋒 Jayson Tatum 交出精彩的防守,全場取得14分,6個籃板,6次封阻及3次抄截,成為歷史上最年輕的球員能夠單交出6次封阻及3次抄截或以上,原來的紀錄是屬於 Kevin Garnett。

引用A little research would reveal that Tatum has become the youngest player ever in the NBA to get at least six shot rejections and three steals in a game. Before Tatum, that recognition belonged to Kevin Garnett who had six blocks and four steals when he was 19 years and 334 days old way back in 1996. Tatum broke that record Saturday when he was 19 years, 10 months, and three days old.

Tatum 除了是一名高效的得分手外,也是塞爾特人最好的防守球員之一。今季他場均攻入13.9分,三分命中率高達46.2%,還有1.0次抄截及0.9次封阻。塞爾特人在防守端的表現冠絕聯盟,對方場均只有97.6分,限制他們投籃命中率只有42.9%。儘管今年失去了 Gordon Hayward,但是綠軍仍然是一支非常有競爭力的球隊。


標籤: NBA  塞爾特人  Jayson Tatum