DeMar DeRozan:「如果2013年 Kyle Lowry 被交易至紐約人,我亦會向球隊提出轉會要求!」
速龍後場雙人組 DeMar DeRozan 及 Kyle Lowry 不經不覺已經合作了六個賽季,近年成功以東岸前列位置完成球季,2014年後速龍每年都能夠進入季後賽,可是他們至今仍未打進 NBA總決賽,原因都是因為 LeBron James 所帶領的熱火及騎士統領著東岸。DeRozan 效力速龍第九個賽季,直至2014年才首次進入季後賽。Kyle Lowry 2012年加盟後,經過一個球季磨合,他們成功打入季後賽。DeRozan 最近在Woj 大神播客中回想起當年 Lowry 加入速龍時非常安靜及雙方並沒有交談。
DeMar DeRozan 表示:
引用“We didn't speak. We didn't have a conversation. We didn't hang out. We didn’t go eat. We didn't sit next to each another. Nothing. I didn't have his phone number. Nothing. He came in, and I don't know what it was like, if he knew he was just going to be moved again or if he was just a piece… He kept his distance from everybody, everything. He really had that mindset coming in, like, 'I'm not going to be here long.'”
2013年 Kyle Lowry 收到紐約人的電話,DeRozan 當時不希望再次剩下他一人。Lowry 當年在更衣室向 DeRozan 表示和你一起打球很好的,但是我要離開這裡,前往紐約人。當時 DeRozan 感到非常沮喪,他不想再次成為打不進季後賽的球員,如果 Lowry 被交易,他亦會向球隊提出轉會。幸運的是,紐約人放棄了交易於,Lowry 最終留下來,DeRozan 亦繼續與他合作至今。